Construction Zone Wall Hanging Accessories by Sweet Jojo Designs Systems

Construction Zone Wall Hanging Accessories by Sweet Jojo Designs Systems

Construction Zone Wall Hanging Accessories by Sweet Jojo Designs Systems

When Ardell’s parents decide to “pull the plug” on Eden, Ardell finally loses it. When he lashes out at Jojo, will the neighbors finally recognize the change in Ardell

The entire community holds its breath on the day jojo returns. Of special interest is what will happen between jojo and Ardell Withrow, the brother of jojo’s last victim. Ardell’s brother, Eden, now resides in a hospital bed comatose and so badly beaten the doctors have declared him brain-dead. That’s why jojo went away in the first place; he had served only two years of a five-year prison sentence for almost killing Eden. To make the situation even worse, Ardell lives directly across the street from jojo’s mother.

Two years earlier, jojo Benn had been the neighborhood bully. Whenever he came around, people in this front-porch community crossed to the other side of the street or went back inside their homes. jojo and his friends terrified the neighborhood, coercing the people into silence through fear of retaliation. Neighbors knew that the gang often keyed cars, broke windows, or started fires after a report was made to the police, and they always eluded capture.

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